Blown Deliveries Checklist

In order for Liverpool Wood Pellets to make a safe and efficient delivery of blown balcas brites, it is necessary to gather some information from our clients and this can be done by completing the short series of questions below.  

Please complete the form below:
Company (if applicable)
Email Address*
Contact Phone Number*
1. Does your site have access for a truck delivery dimensions 12m (L) x 3.9m (H) x 4m (W)?*
2. Is the distance from the lorry to the store within 20 metres? (Straight blow)*
3. Have you fitted 2 x A-400 male camlock fittings to enable lorry to blow into store and enable delivery air to escape?*
4. Is the camlock fitting within driver’s reach? (Chest height is recommended)*
5. Is your store of sufficient strength to hold 4 tonnes (6 m3) of wood pellets? (Stud wall construction not strong enough*)*
6. Has the intake pipe got no more than 2 bends? (No more than 2 recommended)*
7. Has your store got a flexible rubber sheet (impact mat) hanging opposite the inlet pipe to prevent pellet damage during delivery?*
8. Is there a floor slope of 50 degrees or more going towards the feed mechanism? (Minimum of 50 degrees angle)*
9. Is the auger 3 metres as recommended by LWP?*
10. Is your store free of electrical sockets, electrical fittings, lights and switches? (Reduce the risk of a dust explosion)*
11. Is the inlet pipe metal and earthed?*
12. Is your store wood lined? (Avoid plaster lining, pellets absorb moisture from the plaster)*

*It is essential that pellets are not blown against a hard wall or floor
<< blown deliveries  



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Liverpool Wood Pellets Ltd ~ 120 Derby Road ~ Liverpool ~ L20 1BP
[email protected]
Sales: 0151 236 9181 ~ 0151 207 7005
VAT No 943 4825 08
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