Liverpool Wood Pellets Horse Bedding is ideally suited for use on either rubber matting or concrete floors.
For a 12 x 12 stable with rubber matting you will only need 3 - 4 bags of pellets.Empty the bags and then level out with a shavings fork. A fork with narrow tines works better here. Sprinkle the pellets with approximately 3 to 3.5 litres of water per bag. Use a watering can with a rose attachment to ensure an even spread of water. Please be careful not to over water.
Leave the bed for 20 – 30 minutes while the pellets absorb the water. The bed will still have some whole pellets left in it but don’t add any more water as these will quickly break down when your horse urinates. When you come to muck out, ONLY take out the droppings and mix the wet patches in with the dry.
You will only need to take out the very wet bits from the centre of the wet patch after a few days or even a week. Depending on how wet your horse is and how long he is stabled, leave the damp patches in and again mix in with the dry.
As the bedding is so absorbent, it takes moisture from the droppings, so when you muck out take care to pick up just the droppings pile, avoiding taking too much bedding with it. Gently shake off any clean bedding from the fork. Don’t shake, toss the droppings on the fork as you do with shavings, otherwise the droppings will break up into little pieces that are then too small to pick up.
You will find that the pellets will continue to break down and the bed will get deeper over the first few days. When you feel the bed needs more bedding, simply add more dry pellets and mix into the existing bed without wetting and these will break down over the next few days.
If you find the bed seems overly dry or dusty, make sure you are thoroughly mixing the wet with the dry bedding or, if necessary, add a little more water and mix. If the bed is too dark or is becoming wet, take out the very wet patches and add more dry pellets.