Online Shop > Briquettes > Hardwood Briquettes

10kg of Hardwood Briquettes


10kg of hard wood briquettes supplied in one boxes. Total of 6 heat logs.

Quantity:  at  £12.99  each

One pack of hardwood briquettes supplied in one box.  Each pack consists of six briquettes, each weighing 1.65kg and measuring 280mm x 75mm x 75mm.  As each log has exactly the same dimensions they are easy to stack and store making the most efficient use of your storage space.

Hardwood briquettes are made from recycled sawdust from the sawmill industry, which would otherwise end up in landfill.  They are therefore very environmentally friendly and provide a highly efficient source of firewood but with no deforestation as a result.  Briquettes are ideal for use in open fires,chimineas or wood boilers and stoves.  Due to their high efficiency and high heat they are also increasingly popular for use in both domestic and commercial barbecues, cookers and pizza ovens.  The briquettes are also brittle so can be broken down into smaller pieces if required for smaller stoves or burners.

Briquettes have the highest heat content of any solid biomass fuel product with a calorific value of 4600-4800 kcal per kilo.  They are very easy to light using either lighter blocks or kindling which can also be purchased from the recommended products below and they reach peak temperature quickly.  Our briquettes will provide up to an hours heat with flame with a smouldering burn of up to three hours.  They are smoke and fume free with one of the cleanest burns possible resulting in little or no tarring residue even with long term use.  They also have one of the lowest ash residues available at under 1% which can subsequently be composted.  Due to their very low moisture content of less than 10%, our briquettes are also virtually spark and spit free.

Delivery is included to most UK postcodes.  For delivery of a single box of briquettes to Scottish Highlands/Islands, Channel Islands, Isle of Man or Northern Ireland please contact us on 0151 236 9181 for prices.  Collection can also be made from our Liverpool depot if preferred at a discounted price.  5% VAT is included for domestic fuel use.  If purchasing for business use please select the VAT surcharge option at checkout.

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